HomeStreet Bank is established as part of the Preferred Lender Program (PLP) from the U.S. Small Business Administration, which shortens the loan process.
SBA loans serve a variety of business financing needs, including:
- Owner-occupied commercial real estate financing
- Business acquisition or expansion
- Financing equipment and inventory purchase
- Refinancing business debt
- Inventory and working capital
- Financing for international trade loans
SBA ineligible industries
The Small Business Administration listed the following industries as not eligible:
- Gambling
- Insurance companies
- Non-profit
- Loan packaging/lending firms
- Real estate investment
- Adult entertainment
- Cannabis-related ventures
For more information about ineligible industries, including a detailed list, visit
SBA Loan choices
All loans subject to approval.
HomeStreet Bank provides the actual loan to the business borrower. However, the U.S. SBA guarantees a portion of the loan, usually 50% to 85%, depending on the loan program. With the SBA partial guarantee, lenders are more confident in making the decision to finance a business client's needs, regardless of the age or size of the business.