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Leadership & Service

Employee Volunteerism


In 2024, HomeStreet employees recorded 5,420 hours of community service with several charities throughout our communities.  Our employees receive paid leave to contribute community service. Additionally, many volunteer their own time to community organizations where we have branches. By providing leadership and service, they make our communities better places to live, work and play.

Volunteer Grant

We are proud our employees are committed to making a difference in the communities we serve. To help honor their service, HomeStreet Bank will contribute a $500 Volunteer Grant to eligible organizations where an employee has volunteered 30 hours or more during the calendar year.


Examples of Volunteerism at HomeStreet


Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization that constructs and repairs homes for income-qualified homeowners and seniors. Staff in Washington, California, and Hawaii serve in volunteer leadership roles with their local chapters and organize group projects for HomeStreet employees. Groups projects have included constructing and painting new builds and teaching financial education classes to Habitat homeowners and volunteers.


HomeStreet employees are actively involved in volunteering with the YWCA in Washington. We have employees serving in an array of leadership roles, including the Board of Directors, teaching financial literacy classes, and in numerous fundraising capacities.

Groups of employees also volunteer their time to directly serve the clients of the YWCA. Whether it be serving lunch and playing games with the homeless clients of Angeline’s Day Shelter, sorting donated clothing for the Dress for Success program, donating backpacks and school supplies for students in the shelters, or adopting families at the holidays, our employees have made an investment of their time and talents to the organization.

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